5 thoughts on “Buddy’s xray”

  1. Wish I could offer more than moral support, but I have to admit to not even knowing how to read the X-ray. Is it broken? My Tess was also injured by prior owners – right front leg broken in two places and never reset by a vet, but it healed together in a strong enough manner that no further intervention was needed. She limps , but she is a quad, so very different. Like your guy, prior owners never mentioned it when they surrendered her. How do you know Buddy is in pain? Can he use the leg now? Can you try to keep him quiet and treat the pain while you save money? So sorry you are experiencing this – you sound like a great dog Mom.

  2. Still thinking about your situation – with Tess, our vet sent her X-rays to an expert affiliated with a university. Our vet had ideas on treatment, but felt that we needed someone who saw the problem all of the time. So, second opinion? Is there a specialist or veterinary care university in your area?

    1. Hello and thankyou for your kind words and support. We have taken this xray to the university vet and she is the one who suggested we fuse his wrist joint. Our vet and the uni vet said from the xray its looks like it was broken or fractured in his original accident and its hasn’t been picked up and healed this way. Honestly you couldn’t tell most of the time but both vets have moved it around to see and they both say he is in pain and some days he slows right down so i think he is too. So now ive just gotta to decide when or if we’ll go for the surgery. Tamara and Buddy 🙂

  3. I also am just sending support and love.

    Tess made some good points.

    I responded to your previous post about a second opinion also.

    Once you decide on a treatment, whatever that may be, I think you’ll feel a great sense of relief. I knlw this is stressful for you right now.

    Remember that Buddy isn’t worried about a thing and is living innthe moment with no worries! The bliss of being dog!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  4. Thankyou again for you love and support its means alot and helps me not feel so alone in all this. Definitely right he has no idea and is definitely enjoying being the crazy pup he is lol. I still not sure what we are going to do but will keep you all posted. I will be getting he measured for a cart within the next month and then we’ll take it from there. Lots of hugs from us Tamara and Buddy

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